Jonathan and Melissa Harris
Jonathan and Melissa Harris have been married for over 30 years and, together, have four daughters and two grandchildren. Jonathan is a graduate of Texas Bible College with a diploma in Christian Ministry with a focus in Theology.
Jonathan and Melissa have been active pastors at Faith Tabernacle for over 15 years and serves as main pastor. Prior to pastoring, Jonathan and Melissa were missionaries in Nairobi, Kenya, where they directed a bible school and founded churches in the local communities. Jonathan currently serves as a global missions director for North Texas District. On Sundays, you’ll often see Melissa singing during worship service and holding her grandchildren.

Drew and Elizabeth Atkison
Drew serves as assistant pastor since 2023. Drew and Elizabeth are UTA alumni and met through campus ministries. He currently serves as the North Texas District Campus Coordinator. Together they work with the youth department and other ministries. You’ll often see Drew out in the foyer greeting and Elizabeth chasing their toddler.